Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday JUNE 1st, 2011 No relief like repentance

Today's treasure:  Psalm 51: 7-8

  Between confronting sin and  restoring fellowship must come the bridge between those two vital works--contrite confession.  We have the blueprint for the bridge of confession fresh from the heart of a grieving king.  

  What were the six requests David made in verses 10-12 ?
  Why do you think the two results listed in verse 13 were dependent on God's granting David's six requests?
  This psalm invites the vilest of sinners to drink from the fountains of forgiveness.  
 "Have mercy upon ne, O God."  So great was David's nee for cleansing, he began his prayer with no introduction and no high praises.

  What does Isaiah 59: 1-2 tell you that sin can cause?

  "According to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion."  
  David knew his God was complex and multifaceted.  But at that moment, David called on the God of love and compassion.  Only on the basis of covenant love could David dare ask for mercy.
  "Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin."  Don't miss the most important emphasis in this statement of the word ALL.  The mercy of God is enough to cover all our sins.  
  "For I know my transgressions."  Psalm 51:3 proves  David could not ignore his sins.  Satan screams: To give it up will be far more painful than living with the guilt..Refuse to hear satan's lies.  Relief awaits.  
  "Against you, you only have I sinned".  The biggest heartbreak over sin is the realization that we have offended Him.  When we don't confess, we scoff at the cross.

  "Surely I was sinful at birth."  David recognized something of the depth of his inclination to sin.  
  "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts."  God is our one and only source of transforming truth.  Virtually every external sin results from the internal practice of believing a deceitful heart.  Only God can sow truth in our heart; only we can let Him.  
  "You teach me wisdom in the inmost place."  The inmost place is where experience turns into wisdom.  Wisdom is knowledge applied.  Truth stamped on the heart makes one wise.  
  "Cleanse me with hyssop." people of the Old Testament thought hyssop carried a powerful ritual and symbolic message.  

  "Wash me and I will be whiter than snow."  Satan tried to convince us that we are covered by guilty stains even though we have repented.  
  "Let the bones you have crushed rejoice."  David mixed the pain of confessing and turning from sin with the pleasure of restored fellowship.  God sometimes uses circumstances and discipline to figuratively break our legs from continuing on the path of sin.  
  "Hide your face from my sins."  With a sudden realization of his own depravity, David could not bear for God to look.  He was filled with shame, Satan's signature of approval.  Allowing God to open our eyes to sin is not only painful but embarrassing.  
 "Create in me a pure heart."  The Hebrew word for create is  bara.  Pure hearts never come naturally.  
  "Do not..take your Holy Spirit from me."  To David, the removal of God's spirit was a fate worse than death.  
  Based on his experience  with Saul, why do you think David pleaded with God not to remove His Spirit?
 "Restore to me the joy of your salvation."  Sometimes our prayers seem to go unanswered because in our misery, we beg for our joy to be restored without the obedience of fully turning from our sin.  Read John 15:10-11
  "Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you."  No more willing and effective evangelist and teacher exists than one who is humbled, cleansed, renewed and restored.  

  David's entire purpose in writing Psalm 51 was to ask for mercy.  Did God grant his request?

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