Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday June 16, 2011 a great celebration

 Today's treasure:  2 Samuel 22:20

  Read 2 Samuel 22:1

  How did David present these words to the Lord?

  Wouldn't you love to have heard David sing?  Sometimes God puts a new song in our mouths--a hymn of praise to God.  Other times He brings us back to an old song from years past. 

  The first verse of 2 Samuel 22 tells us David remembered the words he had sung many years before after God delivered him from the hand of Saul.  Why had his recent victory over Philistines rekindled the remembrance of his victory over Saul?  
--Both conflicts seemed they would never end.
--Both conflicts sapped his strength.  
--both conflicts caused him to rely on another's strength.  
  Praise God we need never get too old to experience a young passion.  

  Read 2 Samuel 22: 1-51
--List every single name, object or role by which David referred to God.
--Which verses and phrases describe God in such a way that you are awed by Him?  
--which verses and phrases testify that God blesses the obedient?
--which verses/phrases acknowledge God's Word?
--Which verses/phrases remind you that God hears the cries of His children?
--To which one verse can you most recently relate?
  David's life continually challenges us to answer such questions.  Imagine a book recording the history between you and God--things you have been through together, seasons you've experienced..what would be the title of the book?
  The Book of 2 Samuel is not the only place David's words of victory are found.  Psalm 18 is almost identical set of verses to those God placed in 2 Samuel 22.  
  The One who delivered David from his enemies was no distant deity.  He was the object of the psalmist's deepest emotions, the One with whom he shared authentic relationship.  
  If 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18 compel us to see one thing, it is that God is a personal God we each can call our own.

--He is my Strength when I am weak.
--He is my Rock when I am slipping.
--He is my Deliverer when I am trapped.
--He is my Fortress when I am crumbling.
--He is my Refuge when I am pursued.
--He is mu Shield when I am exposed.
--He is my Lord when life spins out of control.

  A heart that makes Him its own--one which can state "He is mine" is a heart that cannot help but love.  
  When has God shielded you from what appeared to be imminent harm?  Acknowledge He is your Shield.
 When has He been your Deliverer?
 When has He been a Refuge when you felt like everyone needed more from you than you could give? Now tell Him you love Him!

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