Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday June 7th, 2011 An Abandoned Throne

Today's treasure:  2 Samuel 15:25
 Read 2 Samuel 15: 1-12

  What was Absalom trying to accomplish with the people of Israel?

  Absalom was dissatisfied by his meeting with his father.  What was wrong with him?  Possibly he suffered from the same thing many adults suffer from today.  When Absalom was a child, his daddy was his hero.  Plenty of shortcomings existed, but the boy could not see them until one day an emotional bombshell hit home--exploding in the bedroom of the oldest son.

  Although people got mad, no one cleaned up the mess.  Lives continued to be torn by the shrapnel no one ever swept away.  David did not--perhaps could not--live up to Absalom's expectations.  The revenge he had taken was not enough.  The fact that his father still called him a son was not enough.  He still cried out for vengeance and was determined his father would pay.

  Absalom had specific reasons for every move he made.  Each morning he arrived with a chariot and an entourage of men and horses.  He looked impressive as he stood at the gate of the city.  He was quite an effective politician.

  Absalom went to the trouble of working his scheme for one reason:  to steal the hearts of the men of Israel.  He continued to work through every step of his plan for four years, waiting for the right moment to stage his coup. 

  Absalom spent two years waiting for David to punish Amnon, three years in hiding after killing Amnon, two years in Jerusalem waiting for David to receive him, and four years working his plan of vengeance against his father.  

Unforgiveness and retaliation stole eleven years of his life.  

  God tells us to forgive those who hurt us, but He never qualifies the command by saying forgive only when someone asks for forgiveness.  He simply says forgive (Luke 6:37)

  David had never asked for forgiveness. He had never taken his rightful place of authority over family events.  David made plenty of mistakes, but Absalom did not have to follow suit.  He could have called on the mercy of God and forgiven David for failing him, even if his father never admitted how wrongly he had handled his family.  God would have held David responsible and Absalom would have been free.  Instead, he locked himself in the prison of bitterness where character eroded in the darkness of his soul.  Forgiveness may be excruciating for a moment but anger and bitterness are excruciating for a lifetime. 

  Often the people who hurt us don't realize the magnitude of their actions.  The people who mocked and crucified Christ had no idea they were dealing with the very fullness of God Himself.  

  When we harbor bitterness and refuse to forgive, we become our own persecutors.  While we blame the other person, we really continue to injure ourselves.  What percentage of Absalom's 11 years of bitterness--and ruined life--would you say was David's responsibility?  

  Those who hurt us often have no idea how deeply we suffer.  If we follow Christ's example, we will be free.  We can save ourselves a lot of heartache!  Learning to forgive even if no one takes responsibility for his  or her own actions will save us from the kind of misery that ultimately destroyed  Absalom.

  Absalom may have been miserable, but he was not dumb.  If his plan were a chess game, stealing Ahithophel was checkmate.  Ahithophel was a highly respected advisor and Bathsheba's grandfather. 

  Read 2 Samuel 15:13-37

  Is this the same David God anointed as His chosen King?  The one who conquered the giant?  The one God prospered like no other?  Did he not know that God gave him the kingdom and only He could take it away?  David found himself right in the middle of a cycle of self appointed failure.   Stricken with grief and dressed for mourning, he and his loyal followers trudged the Mount of Olives, where people once worshipped.
  There on the Mount of Olives, continuing up to the summit, an amazing thing happened:  'David prayed' (v. 31) Little by little things began to happen.  God had him write the prayer down--see Psalm 3.

  God did not answer every one of those requests immediately, but He returned enough strength to David for him to begin walking in faith, not fear.  

  You don't have to climb a mountain to find strength to fulfill your God given calling. He's as close as a whisper and a prayer. 

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