Today's treasure:
1 Samuel 18:3
We will witness a tragic turning point in the relationship between Saul and David during these studies, indeed David's life was rarely boring!
* Read 1 Samuel 18: 1-4 and describe Jonathan's feelings for David
--Did David love Jonathan more than himself?
--Was David overwhelmed by the covenant with Jonathan?
--Did David regard Jonathan as his best friend?
--Was David's feelings toward Jonathan mentioned?
What belongings did Jonathan give to David in the covenant?
Who but God can explain the ways of the heart? Sometimes friendships bloom over months or years, other times your heart can be touched instantly.
--Have you ever felt an almost instant bond to a new friend? What can you identify as reasons you believe you felt such a kinship?
The word 'covenant' is derived from Hebrew 'berith' which means, "determination, stipulation." It was a treaty of alliance of friendship, pledge, an obligation, a constitution.
Although they are less obvious than in other covenants in scripture, three elements can be found in the covenant relationship between Jonathan and David recorded in 1 Samuel 18: 1-4
--Read Genesis 15. Look for the sign of the covenant, the sacrifice and the solemn oath.
God demonstrated His covenant with Abram by the blazing fire pot passing between the pieces of flesh. Jonathan showed his covenant with David by giving him his robe, tunic and weapons.
The sacrifice: In Jonathan's covenant the sacrifice is less obvious than the birds and the animals in God's covenant with Abram, but it is profound.
Look Ahead to 1 Samuel 20: 30-31
-- What were King Saul's obvious intentions for his son Jonathan?
Jonathan was a prince and heir apparent to the throne. His father planned for Jonathan to be the next king, but his son had different plans. In this unique covenant, Jonathan sacrificed himself. He removed his royal regalia and placed it on David, symbolizing that David would be king instead. Men like Jonathan are a rarity. Few people have 'in mind the things of God' at risk of their own favor and position (Matt 16:23)
Jonathan symbolized the solemn oath by giving David his weapons of protection. Jonathan verbalized his oath by pledging in 1 Samuel 20:13 to protect David from harm at great personal risk.
--According to Deuteronomy 7: 6-9, why did God choose Israeul?
God's covenant with the nation of Israel was based on His love for them. We who have accepted Christ as Savior are part of THE most wonderful covenant ever made with man.
--According to 1 John 4:10,15 how does our covenant compare to the two in the study today?
What an amazing covenant we have with God through Jesus Christ; what a great celebration to remember when we entered into it and for hopes of many others to do the same!!!
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